We are proud to say that at the turn of the millennium the Polish-American community donated a parcel of land for the creation of a pastoral mission and cultural center serving the Polish faith and culture. The pastoral mission seats 300 people along with a separate room for the children and their parents. In the downstairs section of the pastoral mission there's a meeting place, cultural performance stage, kitchen facilities, a shop and an office space which includes housing for the priest.
God, Our Father, we thank you for giving our homeland Cardinal August Hlond, Bishop and Primate of Poland, and for choosing this great and fervent advocate of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Your Son and our Mother, as the caring father and protector of Polonia. Be pleased to awaken within my heart both a burning love for You and a filial devotion for our Lady, Help of Christians. For the glory of Your Name deign to to grant, through the intercession of Cardinal August, the grace for which I humbly ask. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
W dniu 22 października przypada liturgiczne wspomnienie św. Jana Pawła II. W naszej wspólnocie obchody Dnia Papieskiego będziemy celebrować w niedzielę 19 października, w czasie każdej Mszy św. Serdecznie zapraszamy w tym dniu wszystkich Rodaków do wspólnej modlitwy i świętowania tej uroczystości.